It's rainy season. It's time to prepare the vehicle in order to reduce the risk of harm when passing on a wet road . One of the main points is the use of the tire . Not only users car , motorcycle riders should also pay attention to this matter .
Sony Susmana , Director of Safety Defensive Consultant Indonesia ( SDCI ) , explained that the tires of the vehicle is a major factor when it rains . " In Indonesia should use all the tire condition , can be used to heat and rain . The term in racing , intermediate , because it can break down and dispose of the water with both air hostage in front of the tires , "he told KompasOtomotif some time ago in the GT Radial safety campaign in East Jakarta .
However, Sony did not have to explain all the tire condition . If the rainy season are advised to use tires as recommended by the manufacturer. These are the characteristics of a tire that is safe to use on wet roads :
1 . Tires are as normal as possible , for example, for a car with a thickness of 55 to 70 profile . If the motorcycle between 70 and 90 . As for the tread width is also advised not to reduce it , try normal size . " A lot of motorcycle users who install knobby tires , this is definitely dangerous , " said Sony .
2 . Type of development . Do not let one choose to take into consideration fashion with exotic motifs , but not safe on wet roads . Good tires has a striped pattern with a distance that is not too loose and not too infrequently . The striped pattern is useful to split water when wet roads , certainly more optimal traction .
Avoid the use of slick tires or without a pattern . Selunak - soft compound slick tires , will remain difficult to break down the water in the streets and tend to easily slip .
3 . For new tires purchased , do not immediately assume maximum traction already . Because the silicone layer is still attached and still potentially slippery . Most good when it is worn a few tens of kilometers in the dry track , the asphalt will have to scour the mengihilangkan silicon . " Have to be careful to use a new tire . Should be ' reyen ' first order silicone grip is lost and perfect , "explains Sony .
4 . Especially for car users , note the tire grooves . There are two types , bidirectional tires that can be used in two directions . Characteristics , and the same symmetric flow when inverted . This tire for normal daily use . For the rainy season , tire wear undirection oriented in one direction . Can not be moved from the right side or the left . This type of tire is more has a better pattern to split water .
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