Jakarta - Brake discs is determined to reduce and stop the motorcycle . However , if not addressed properly , it is also easy to cause problems . Brakes more sensitive to impurities than the drum . Therefore, be diligent cleaning , both brake discs and pads ( located in the calipers ) .
The most severe of these diseases , can be locked when not in use or drag when in use . If left unchecked, the disc or discs will be eroded , eventually less grip , heat generated due to friction peringan with canvas , can spread to other parts . For example , because the canvas is pressed by the piston , the seal will be broken .
According to Grace Sobari , Omega Motor mechanic in the area Jatinegara , East Jakarta , continuous hum of the brake disc , may be the first sign to begin care .
" Immediately hospitalization . There is definitely a problem . If not dirty , there is a problem on the piston , discs and pads . If allowed to continue , could cause the brakes to be bad , " he told KompasOtomotif .
Based on these experiences , . explained the causes of disc brakes making a sound .
1 . piston dirty
Piston calipers pressing duty canvas , then clamping plate or ckaram . Pistion work under the pressure of the brake when the lever is pulled Minya . If the piston can not return to its original position , the canvas will remain clamped plate and making a sound . Long will jam due to friction and heat ( disc expands ) . Piston For this check , be sure there is no dirt that block the action back into the starting position .
2 . plate bent
Uneven disc surfaces . The trigger , it could be due to a fall , the temperature rise due to age or swollen disc ( point 1 ) . Because of uneven , certain parts langsujng associated with canvass . " If you have this , it can be serviced , but it should be changed so that a disc brake is more stable , " said Sobari .
3 . rust
The discs will rust if not used old motorcycle . This condition is also commonly found on car brake discs . When reused , impurities such erosion will pollute surface rust lining . If left unchecked , will spread to the disorder and the caliper piston . Instead, it is treated first by dismantling the brakes , including calipers .
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