Saturday 30 November 2013

Driving Safe and Convenient for Pregnant Women ala Ford

The engineers and designers at Ford Motor Company ( FMC ) seeks to understand how and what difficulties are experienced by pregnant women while driving .

For that they create Empathy Belly simulator which is vest that can provide a ' sensation ' gestation for its users .
Empathy Belly has a volume of 2 liter water bag and weighs 3 kg ballast pockets to mimic conditions when the baby's head pressing bladder .

In addition there are two balls of lead that mimicked a baby when light and belt suppressant kicking in the abdomen that makes users feel shortness of breath as pregnant mothers .

The engineers and designers of Ford car then put on the vest and driving a vehicle to feel the ' suffering ' the weaker sex when driving a car in a pregnant condition .

After knowing the problem the engineers and designers then redesigned the vehicle to make it more friendly for pregnant women , and of the results of these studies , Ford find safety tips for expectant mothers .

Tips presented by David Stanley as the Supervisor , Vehicle Package & Ergonomics , Vehicle Emgineering at Ford Australia , is :

1 . Wear a safety belt properly

Make sure the belt is under keseamatan abdomen , hips transverse . Belt across the shoulder Hars is between the breast and be sure to pull the belt so that it is comfortable and fast .

2 . Reverse the seat

Reverse the seat to a comfortable distance when driving . Little laid back seat can also help . It can protect the stomach when the airbags inflate .

3 . Give pads on the back

If pregnant women experience back pain related to pregnancy , place a small round pads to hold the lower back or use a rolled towel . This will help to increase comfort while driving .

4 . Take a break

If driving a car in a long time , rest regularly to improve blood Airan to your feet . The foot and ankle are prone to swelling and can get worse if sitting for a long time . While resting gently move your legs , rotate ankles , and toes wiggled to prevent cramps and tingling .

5 . Be passenger

Whenever possible , be a passenger . Implant in the back seat is the safest place in the car for pregnant women . If you want to keep duuk in the front seat , be sure to move the seat backward or backward as far as possible to protect themselves when the airbag inflates .

6 . Bring health data

No matter where you go , make sure you carry the pregnancy record card that includes an itemized list of medical information , hassil tests , and emergency contacts .

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