AS devices only common ground before a flood of engine power due to the speed of traction on asphalt , it should be very respectful of every vehicle owner the functions and duties of the tire .
When the tire problem to some extent will affect the style of driving , because the car's ability to maneuver , acceleration , deakselerasi , weight-bearing , and so is no longer in optimum condition , it has the potential dangers when assessed in terms of driving safety .
Everyone probably knows how to change a tire is damaged , but what everyone knows how to measure the age of the tire ?
Rubber tire condition will get worse over time due to UV rays and the environment . Structure makes the tire brittle and can even damage to the tire wall up and not fit for use .
For precautions , severe - severe tire wear must be replaced if it has reached 10 years , although the tires still look like new . In fact, many tire manufacturers recommend replacement every six years.
Ban it can be stored in a long time , but consumers need to know when the tire was made . Each tire has a data date of birth contained wall section , usually in the form of code in accordance with existing regulations .
For example , the code explains pebuatan PopularMechanics tires are near the outer circumference of wheels . Usually begins with a code standardization , such as SNI ( Indonesian National Standard ) or DOT ( Department of Transportation ) .
At the ending sequence that code there are three numbers ( before 2000 ) or four digits ( after 2000 ) , this indicates a two -digit code for the first two weeks and then followed for the next digit year of birth .
Eg ' DOT DA08 JM1R 3011 ' . Indication the tire manufacturers make tires in week 30 in 2011 . To code ' DOT R5HG FHR 404 ' means the tire is manufactured in week 40 of 1994 ( could be 1984 or 1974) .
If you find a tire with more than two years of age should ask the seller newer tires , or it could be the solution is discounted .
For information , two digits after the DOT code indicates the factory code , followed by the size of the tire . Four- digit code after that is the assembly of the plant .
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