Its presence often go unnoticed , do not be surprised also if the car owner only realized a few days after the stolen hubcap thief . If you have this solution must be replaced .
Quite difficult to deter mischievous hands eyeing hubcaps ours , but owners can take precautions . Lili of JP Racing gives tips lightly what needs to be done so that the thief stolen a hubcap difficult .
1 . Select a safe parking place .
The owner must be able to determine the best place to leave the car . Risk not only missing hubcaps , but could also others . Crowded places is not always safe and vice versa .
2 . Tighten the bolts .
3.Eratkan hubcap wear iron glue .
The trick , the glue is affixed in the form of points , not a glaze .
4 . Replace the bolt so type " + "
Lili explains the open rim is usually opened screwdriver ' L ' , the loading process will be more difficult if " the long arm " forced to use a screwdriver ' + '
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