You hear a squealing noise while braking the vehicle would certainly sounds very disturbing , especially if the vehicle is used for commercial vehicles for passenger comfort.
Car brake sound usually heard when we stepped on the brake pedal is not too full , because the braking is also done gradually until the car stops .
There are several factors that normally cause sound disc brakes , which are:
1 . The Disc surface looks shiny , usually also accompanied brake too shiny surface , this usually occurs because of the quality of brake linings are used .
Picture Time Beep Fix car brakes
2 . The surface of a disc brake or disk brake is not flat, it is common for brake disc wear and tear , if the surface is uneven brake disc replacement brake later , the car brakes would likely arise faster sound . This is usually done on the surface of the disc brake lathe or replace the Disc . The Disc uneven surface will cause uneven brake anyway discbarake follow the shape of the surface .
Uneven brake pad surface cause sound
3 . Pen caliper drag , drag the pen caliper which may result greasing drying will cause noise as well when braking . Besides, Pen dragging caliper or brake jams will make a thick door or thicknesses much difference between the inner and outer brake after some time of usage. How to resolve or repair is to clean the caliper pen and give a special grease ( grease rubber ) . Please see How Car Brakes Pack Place .
4 . Loss of brake piston , piston brake jams can be caused by the possibility of corrosion on the piston walls are common due to damage to the rubber boot that is contained in the brake piston ( torn boot ) , causing rust on the piston wall .
5 . There is a foreign body located between the brake lining and the Disc , it is also common for brake that has tapered angle on the ends of the brake lining . Examples of frequently encountered is when the car has just passed a new paved road , small pebbles or small asphalt will be stuck at the tapered end of the brake , so the effect will sound when the brake when the asphalt gravel in contact with a rotating disc brake .
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