Almost all manufacturers of the world today are competing to develop otonomos technology , making the car can menyopir itself with sophisticated computers . Although such a dream , a number of business people judge the world , this technology can already commercialized in 2025 .
The ability of this technology to avoid accidents will reduce insurance costs are expensive . In addition , the consumption of fuel -efficient cars because otonomos can prevent undue acceleration . Congestion at intersections can also be reduced because each car can communicate with each other .
The elderly users who are physically incapable stated again will not lose the right to drive a car . Meanwhile , less experienced young people can be safe , protected and cheaper insurance .
" In 2025 , otonomos car marketed globally . ( The technology ) is able to create a personal mobility revolution , allowing people to old bekendara , economical fuel consumption , and reduce accidents to zero , " wrote HSBC in a report launched Inautonews ( 2 / 12/2013 ) .
On the other hand , the presence of this technology is expected to have a devastating effect on the company's cab . Mass transportation such as trains , buses , and short-haul flights will be left . People prefer the road that leads directly from the house at that location because it is more convenient to use the car 's own.
Lodging industry will also be subject to " sap " . If someone can drive day and night to pursue an important meeting in another city , he does not have to stop at the inn to sleep . This technology makes the car can work without a break .
IT industry as a developer of applications , in-car entertainment systems , will acquire new markets . Meanwhile , the radio and music business will lose a loyal listener . The pace car on the highway sooner if the technology is proven to be safe and able to reduce accidents .
" This is not a toy . Economic and social impacts are very diverse . Beyond practical benefits , we predict large -scale otonomos car will save 1.3 trillion dollars to the U.S. economy . Globally , bigger savings up to 5.6 trillion U.S. dollars , "said Morgan Stanley , a global financial institution based in Manhattan , New York .
Furthermore , if the car 's computerized system is running well , it looks more and more people keep silence in the car parked on the street corner . They will use the computers in the cabin for browsing .
" Non - automotive industry to be affected in this case , namely telecommunications , software , media , public transportation , semi - conductor , and insurance , " added Morgan Stanley .
Institute researchers Forst & Sullivans added , almost all automotive principals develop this technology . Mercedes - Benz , one of the leading , followed by other German brands , BMW and Volkswagen . The Toyota by Lexus is also preparing the same technology . Ford did not miss . So also with Google , they prepare themselves as supporting industries , not automotive manufacturers . Moreover , there are IBM and Cisco , which prepares the computer infrastructure .
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