Saturday 14 June 2014

10 Simple Tips to Save Fuel

There are many car owners to think of ways how to be efficient cars fuel oil (BBM). But they are quite distraught because they do not know how that fuel-efficient cars.Well, the Japanese car manufacturer Mitsubishi has a short way how that could fuel cars. At least the way it is very basic and can be done without a lot of theories. Here's how.1. Check your vehicle thoroughly before operation.

2. Preheat the engine until
water temperature needle starts moving. 

3. Press the gas pedal slowly.

4. Try evenly speed. Do not go up and down excessively.

5. Get used to running at a constant speed (60 km / h).

6. Avoid use
brake suddenly.


7. Try to use upper gear shift when running
8. Tire pressure should be standard factory default. Low pressure (not standard) will affect fuel consumption.

9. Cargo position do not against wind gusts.

10. Plan a trip as possible and avoid the traffic.

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