Saturday, 4 February 2017

5 Things for Durable Radiator

Hasil gambar untuk coolant
Even though it seems simple, there are still many who do not understand about the radiator. In fact, without a radiator, the engine could overheat and make it damaged.
Until now, many thought the lack of water in the radiator volume means there is a leak. Though not necessarily, the article during the car running, the radiator will continue to work so that the volume of water can go up and down depending on the condition of the engine temperature.
There is still much more that needs to be understood, the point is to diligently check periodically. Here are five things about the radiator:
1. Reduce Water Volume Not Always Mean Leakage
Keep in mind, when pressure or high engine temperature, then in high-pressure radiator will arise. Well, this pressure will be pressed by the radiator cap, so that excess pressure will be channeled to the reservoir. As a result, in the radiator system will arise vacuum.
Conversely, if the pressure or engine temperature drops, the vacuum will suck water radiator back again. So do not panic when the volume of water in the radiator is reduced when the machine is working. Safe limit the volume of water radiator is located in the middle of indicators Full and Low.
2. Do not Use Mineral Water
Water not only serves as a radiator coolant, but also prevent rust on the radiator waterways. Well use mineral water or tap water is certainly high risk, because of high iron content can menyebabkabkan corrosion.
So you should use the special liquid coolant radiator.
3. Drain Water Radiator
Air radiator needs to be drained. "Interval replacement radiator water can be seen in the vehicle manual book. But as an example to the car every 160 thousand km first need to drain the water to the radiator. The second interval is 80 thousand km.
4. Select Radiator Coolant
Radiator coolant should select recommended by the manufacturer. Because when the temperature is hot, the radiator water will work and that chemical reactions occur. If the water in the radiator does not fit, then it could be raised deposits that trigger cells clogging radiators, porous and brittle.
It is recommended to use radiator coolant manifold SLLC (Super Long Life Coolant), which contained therein ethylene glycol to prevent rust and optimize cooling.
5. Cover Radiator
Close the radiator should not be taken lightly. After adding water to the radiator, make sure the radiator tank sealed, so the radiator coolant temperature does not go out when the engine is hot. Perform checker that includes a working system radiator cap, hoses, reservoirs and so on .

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