" Broadly speaking , the release of smoke resulting from oil and fuel mixture . Please check in the two conditions , " said Wie Wie Protechnik Rianto of the workshop , in the area of Tanjung Duren , West Jakarta .
Damage to the engine could also be detected from the smoke density . Thick and thin has a different meaning . Conditions apply to both diesel and gasoline engines .
Smoke released itself has some color categories . If the problem in the supply of fuel and oil , then posed black and white smoke . " Sometimes it is also followed by the engine power is lost , " he added .
So , what are the causes smoke to come out in the exhaust ?
1. Temperature
When the morning when the engine is turned on , it slowly into the hot exhaust pipe . When the temperatures climb this smoke out . Usually accompanied by water droplets in the exhaust tip . This smoke will disappear as the heat of the exhaust pipe . Usually no more than 5 minutes . Other conditions , when the car stops when the cold temperatures , but with the engine running . Usually the thin smoke will come out well .
2. Seal Valve and Piston Ring
3. Oval Cylinder
" This condition is rare , but not impossible , " said the racer who is also pebengkel . Oval cylinder wall can
preceded by symptoms of knocking . Piston motion unbalanced , can banging on the walls of the cylinder. As a result of that wall into an oval . If it is oval , then the oil will easily enter the combustion chamber . Ensued following the combustion process are infiltrating the oil . Smoke released is white like valve seals or worn piston rings .
4. Fuel Pumps
power dropped dramatically . Because the supply of fuel to make the rider maximum not have to press the gas pedal deeper. Other effects , so fuel consumption is more wasteful and no maximum combustion process . In the end , the crust in the combustion chamber becomes much more .
5. Too Much Fuel
The combination that fits between the fuel and air will produce maximum power . If not met , then it will produce smoke . " In the diesel -engined cars , usually accompanied by white smoke if the consumption of diesel is too much . This is usually to gain greater power as well , " said Wie Wie again . In the gasoline -engined cars , too much fuel would produce black smoke . Wasteful consumption is a consequence .
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