When he was on his way perhaps we were struck by the presence of smoke or water vapor which is visible from beneath the hood. Caused by boiling water in the reservoir radiator and smoke.
Smoke or steam seen coming out of the hood is a result of the radiator water spilled from the reservoir tube.
Here are a few things that could be causing the water to spill out of the reservoir:
1. Higher temperatures occur in the machine
High temperature in the engine can be caused by several reasons among which pack or pack header leaking cylinder head, it is already written please see the Pack Cylinder Head Leaks.
2. Faulty radiator cap
Faulty radiator cap, especially damage to the relief valve, so that before the pressure in the cooling system pressure approaching the open relief valve (pressure relief valve open look at the radiator cap), water has been flowing radiator prior to seservoir. More details radiator cap issue has been discussed separately please see HERE.
3. Radiator fan not spinning when the working temperature of the engine
Radiator fan not spinning could be due to the radiator fan itself is faulty or problems in the electrical system cooling system. If you're on a trip, please refer Tip Radiator Fan Not Working.
4. The fourth possibility is check the V-belt is turning the water pump, v-belt is broken or missing due to drop out half way through. Because the V-belt that serves to rotate the engine water pump that circulates the water radiator.
5. Alternatively, because the road car as possible before we fill up the radiator water is too full.
Leaks in the radiator water cooling system on track also causes a high temperature machine, but does not cause the water to spill out of the reservoir, because the radiator water will run out first.
May be useful.
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