Just like the others , the engine works better when clean . However, cleaning the engine room is not the same as cleaning the body or interior . No spray origin , there is a special procedure in order to keep the car safely , to avoid a short circuit, or even damage the electrical components .Water is a conductor (electrical ) that sometimes we do not realize . Before the car wash machine parts , make sure there is no power.Anticipatory measures are needed , although the actual car manufacturers are now thinking about how to keep safe machine washable . For example , there are seals to protect electrical conductors or some components are made watertight .That is why , to be safe , there are several steps that need to be considered . Here's the description :
1 . Keep the engine in warm conditions . Not cool , and not too hot . If it is really cold , turn on the machine about a minute.
2 . Unplug electric lock that completely off . If necessary , disconnect the battery connection . Negative terminal after the first positive.
3 . Cover all essential components and electrical use plastic or aluminum foil can also . For example, the air suction holes , electrical sockets , sensors , coils and more. Special attention is also needed for the suction hole . The influx of water in this area water hammer effect !
4 . Clean the parts machined surfaces and crevices using engine degreaser . Many of the products offered by various auto supply store . Use a small brush and smooth , it could be with a brush.
5 . Combine cleaning with water and detergent mixture . But remember , wash and rinse part by part . It avoids the first liquid detergent and even cause a dry crust that is difficult to remove.
6 . Rinse , can use low-pressure water spray . Do not be too eager to rinse , as this is usually a moment of neglect by spraying teralu hard to important parts of the car.
7 . Wipe with a soft cloth or chamois plaster material . Get rid of the plastic protective coating that is placed before the washing machine . Take a few moments in order to completely dry . Make sure the electrical components remain untouched water.Good luck.
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