Ryno is an abbreviation of Ride Your New Opportunity , a type of motor vehicle , but only the wheels are driven by an electric engine . Modern era, like today raises many creative ideas not to mention the auto industry lately.

RYNOmotors is a unique motor manufacturers are entrenched in the United States with the concept of an eco-friendly vehicles are also loaded with aesthetic and futuristic vehicles ( modern ) . Through research that takes almost seven years , finally Ryno can be ordered and may be driven on public roads in the United States .
Blending elements of environmentally friendly technologies , Ryno equipped with electric motors are all capable of charging a distance of 10 miles , equivalent to 16 km . With a maximum speed of around 16 kmh / kph.

Motorcycle with one wheel has a balance that is not in doubt , with the tilt angle ( front - rear ) 15 degrees - the rider safely and comfortably run on pavement . To move forward , the rider simply leaned forward and if you want to dismiss simply by enforcing body .
This unique bike only weighs about 160 lbs net , equivalent to 72.5 kg load capacity equal to 260 lbs 118 kg . He is also equipped with an adjustable seat , brake assist lever , parking brake , LED headlight and shock absorser reliable . It only took six hours to recharge the battery to full .
The price for a unique motorcycle with this futuristic style is U.S. $ 5,295.
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