Most annoying , while driving the car and was about to open the window to pay the toll . Apparently, the glass can not go down , but should be helped nudge down by hand .
It was still hard , so it should open the door . This is not a technical fault on the power window . The reason , there penumpakan dirt on the sidelines of a rubber glass . The effect , would hamper the smooth up and down the glass window .
During this time , how to handle it quite sprayed silicone fluid . But , now there is a special cleaning fluid power windows . Such as power windows GetF1 homemade lubricant can be obtained in Toda , also there Holts and Perma Glass .
The Processing is very simple way and prepare a sponge or cotton cloth . Follow the steps below.
1 . Derive any glass you want to clean the rubber to the fullest . The goal is that fluid can enter the power window slits evenly to a rubber line , followed by the lubricant using a sponge or cloth .
2 . If the glass was not able to be opened , tap into a little. then , pour the liquid lubricating power windows on each slit rubber .
3 . After doing the whole gap lubrication on the rubber , let sit for 12 hours or in the night . The goal is that the lubricant evenly and absorb into the rubber channel is suppressed by the glass .
4 . Finally, the up-and- down glass to expedite and ensure that the glass is functioning properly.

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