Failed accu and unable to start the engine ? As a temporary solution , a technique often used jumper ( jump start ) . Easy terms , these actions are taken to supply power from the other battery is exhausted to the car battery and used to start the engine . The mechanism is called jumper cables .
However, to do so can not be arbitrary . Many laymen origin soak connect car battery with another car battery without technique . "If one treats , the result can be shorted out or even explode , " said Alas Pangajom , Service Manager PT Mazda Motor Indonesia ( MMI ) , the KompasOtomotif , ( 13/02/2014 ) .
Then, what is the correct step , following a brief description of Alas :
How to jumper :
1 . Make sure the battery / battery to be used as a booster battery ( source ) voltage 12V .
2 . If the booster battery using another vehicle , make sure the two vehicles do not touch each other . Turn off all the weight of the engine in the vehicle booster ( lighting , audio , etc. ) and turn off the vehicle engine .
3 . Connect the jumper cables in the sequence as follows ( see figure ) .
- Connect one end of the first cable to the positive terminal of the battery is worn out ( 1 ) .
- Connect the other end to the positive terminal of the booster battery ( 2 ) .
- Connect one end of the second cable to the negative terminal of the booster battery ( 3 ) .
- Connect the other end of the cable into the solid metal components , stationary and open (eg , the front engine mounting bolt ) away from the battery is worn out ( 4 ) .
At the time of the connection , try the cable end is not in contact with metal or electrically conductive , because it will cause stun .
4 . Turn the machine on which the vehicle is used as a booster battery and let some time . Increase the throttle pedal , and hold above 1,000 rpm . Then turn on the vehicle experienced a soak
5 . After the engine , disconnect the jumper cables carefully to the reverse order of the way mounting (4 - 3 - 2 - 1 )
Warning :
1 . Do not let the battery positive terminal is connected to the iron metal objects . This will cause sparks . The problem , sparks near the cell battery is very dangerous . Hydrogen gas generated during normal working battery can cause an explosion and severe burns . When working near the battery , not to the working tool made of metal connected to the positive and negative terminals .
2 . Keep all flames , including cigarettes and sparks from an open cell battery .
3 . Do not jumpered with frozen batteries or batteries with a liquid very low . " It's too dangerous , potentially explosive and result in serious injury , " said Alas .
4 . Connect the negative cable to a good ground point and away from the battery .
5 . Keep jumper cables from moving components ( eg : V - belt , fan motors , etc. ) .
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