Basically the engine cooling system is supported by three things , namely Coolant , Air and Oil Lubricants . All three are closely related and largely determine the efficiency of your car 's performance . And here are the things that need to be considered , as well as tips to take care of :

As the main reservoir and the fluid is cooled , then the condition of the radiator should always be maintained. Try to always keep both outside and inside .
On the outside there is a lattice which is the path of the wind flow . If the lattice is clogged dirt , it can be ascertained that the volume of air that flows was reduced , so that the process becomes less effective cooling . To clean , use a soft brush or low pressure water spray in order not to bend the grille is very thin .
The formation of rust is a common thing that happens on the inside of the radiator that has been aged . Rust can inhibit circulation cooling system or even incapacitate . To do so draining it periodically , at least once a year . This process can be done alone , or handed over to a special workshop , especially if there is a leak .
If you are planning to do the drainage itself , here are the steps :
Previous sure the car is the engine in cold conditions .
Open the cover disposal of liquid contained in the bottom of the radiator cover and store in a safe place .
Once all the liquid drain out , put the cap back to the meeting . Then open the main cover on the top of the radiator , then add the liquid drain or Radiator Flush ( if any ) and add water until it is full . Let the main cover is opened to reduce the pressure that is too high while warming the engine .
Start the engine and let it burn until the car reaches operating temperature , or about 10 to 15 minutes . During the heating process takes place inside the radiator water level can be decreased . For that you can do the addition .
To speed up the circulation of the water and removing the dirt or rust that is attached to the wall of the circulation path , you can step on the gas pedal with the engine turns slowly around 1000-1500 rpm .
After reaching operating temperature , turn off the engine and let it cool again . Once cool , open the radiator exhaust cover and let it drain out completely .
At this stage , the second condition of the cover is open , the water re- circulate water into the radiator until the water coming out the exhaust section looks clean .
After the disposal of the radiator cap cover tightly and fill up water or coolant ( Radiator Coolant ) , or both until full , then close back to the meeting .
Note the volume of fluid in the radiator during the first few days of use , and add when reduced . If it still continues to decrease , there may be a leak . To check the radiator of your car in the garage .
If your car radiator long enough not drained or if you buy a used car without knowing the maintenance history of the radiator , fill the radiator bengekel depleted . Because if the impurities contained in the engine coolant circulation path too much , then draining it can clog some narrow channels and can lead to failure of the cooling system .
Radiator hose
This hose into the link between the radiator and the engine , as well as the coolant flow path . Pressure and high water temperature making the radiator hoses are increasingly expanding, and decreased durability . Therefore if it was time to be replaced , do so immediately .
Too late to replace it can be fatal as impaired circulation or even tearing of the water hose . As a result, the entire fluid will be drained immediately and engine temperature soaring. When that happens generally happens tickling sound and the engine will die .
Radiator cap
Consider whether the sealing rubber and springs are still functioning properly . If not then it can cause the engine temperature increases .
Clamps / Fastener Radiator Hose
Clamp / fastener which usually terbiat of iron or steel , to make sure the hose is properly connected to the radiator . Because the binder is vital in keeping the radiator in order not to loose and leaking , make sure that the binding is strong enough but not too strong that it will make the radiator hose torn .
Cooling Fan
In order for these devices can still work well , check the condition of silicone fluid and fan belt . Make sure they are always in good condition .
Oil pump
What is important to note the cooling system of the engine is the oil pump . In addition to the oil pump to the engine parts that need it , through this process of co- cooled engine .
Terawatnya cooling system properly will add a sense of security and comfort in driving your car everywhere .
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