Not everyone is adept at controlling the motorcycle . But more important is actually not a matter of maneuver , but rather simple things like braking techniques . Many of the original brakes to reduce speed or stop , when to brake safely no theory .According to a Network Development and Senior Safety Riding Instructor , the brakes are actually really effective is to use simultaneously between the front and rear brakes , instead of optimizing one ." We're not talking percentages strength , for example front and rear brakes need a total amount of 100 percent . Because it is ambiguous . More effective way to stop or slow the rate is to use the front brake , "He said.
Here are the details for all the tips from Emerson biker in order to master the correct braking technique :1 . Seen type motorcycle , according to Emerson's almost as if talking braking . Indeed , for a sport bike will be more complex , because after the brakes have to be coupled with a move to a lower gear ( engine braking ) if you want more effectively . It is also similar to motorcycle , but because the weight is not as heavy as the type cub sport , engine braking is done if urgent .2 . Learning first ! When learning to ride a two-wheeled vehicles such as bicycles , has been imprinted in the mind in order to use the rear brake first . Well , for the motorcycle can not be fully applied . " Many assuming biker rear wheel brakes more effective , this thinking has to be changed , " said Emerson .3 . Emphasis or force the brakes , which could determine the biker himself . It is seen from the speed and road conditions . For example, on a wet road , it would be nice if the brakes are not too pressed . That is why , if on wet or slippery roads , shall reduce the speed so if at any time it took the brakes , hard pressed not because the rate is too fast motorcycle .The use of fingers to pull the brake lever to adjust the strength needed . For maximally braking , can use four fingers like squeezing motion . " Keep in mind , the brakes do not stand alone . Think safety when slippery roads with reduced speed . The use of front and rear brakes fixed , not one , " Emerson message .4 . Use of the rear brake alone is only recommended for certain conditions . For example, passing an instance with a low speed . Rear brake alone will make the motorcycle unstable aka " ngesot " .5 . Cornering . In theory , only the brake is used to slow down before the corner entry speed . Once they entered the bend , it did accelerate in order to better grip the front wheels . Many are wrong , even when in a corner braking. Emerson is said to be very dangerous , especially in high speed .6 . Generally need to practice using the brakes repan . It is necessary to anticipate when braking suddenly . Do not be afraid to use the front brake , if done correctly .
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