Saturday 24 June 2017

Never Leave Children In The Car!

Have you ever left your baby for a moment in the car for some reason? Should not do that. Because it turns out, the air in the vehicle risk 2 times more dangerous.

Why is that? Reported by, in The Guardian's article, British scientists describe the vehicle as a box that picks up toxic gases from the outside, even though the car is off. The reason is because the air from the outside is carried in while you are on the way.

According to David King of the British Lung Foundation, a child left in a vehicle and sitting in a rear passenger seat is at greater risk of being threatened, as outside air enters the rear of the car.

In addition, outside air pollution into the car can affect the health of the baby, because his body is still vulnerable to air pollution. In fact, it can cause shortness of breath until it ends with death.

Then where does the air-air entry? According to one student at the University of Toronto, Miriam Diamond wall between the car engine with the interior is not as thick as people think, to cause the outside air is drawn into the vehicle through the emission.

To close the window of the vehicle alone is not enough, then the baby must be invited out to breathe fresh air and avoid pollution in the car. And if necessary, you can use hybrid cars or electric vehicles to reduce the possibility of pollution from outside into the car.

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