Test Pen is used on homes usually work on the electrical mains voltage 110volt to 250volt AC ( alternating current ) .
While Test Pen for automotive , usually working in the electrical voltage 12volt to 24volt DC ( direct current ) .

Test Pen bulb is quite diverse if found in hardware stores , some use a very small bulb with a bulb there are big enough .

Very small bulb siphon flow of approximately 0.060Amp - 0.150Amp ( 60 - 150mA ) .

While the larger bulb siphon power of 0.400Amp - 0.450Amp ( 400 - 450mA ) .
Test auto - pen variety, from the most inexpensive price up to hundreds dollars .
What distinguishes the test pen ?
To be aware of Test Pen for Automotive is the light that is in the test pen , Is it a LED or a bulb ?
Test Pen that uses LEDs as indicators , has the advantage of working with a very low current , ie under 0.015Ampere or below 15mA .

For vehicles Injection engine types , using a computer engine ( ECU ) to adjust the entire system working machines. Many pathways associated electrification between the sensors and actuators in the engine ECU . Currents that exist on a path that is not necessarily the electrification voltage of 12 volts , it could be a massive resistance value , the amount of very low voltage in mV units and so on .
In short, electrification car engine injection ( injection ) can be said to be sensitive .
The maximum load current that is safe enough to test with Test Pen is equal to 20mA only ! .
So in this case Test Pen is safe for automotive tinkering Injection engine is LED Pen Test , because only overload current of less than 15mA .
As a result of using the Pen Test bulb to a track electrification is the burning of sensitive electronic components whether it be a sensor or component that is in the ECU , which causes the ECU damaged / burnt .
Not only ECU , but for a vehicle that is equipped with modules such as Module ABS , Body Computer , Light Modules, Transmission Module ( matic ) , etc . Also sensitive to the test pen bulb .

In addition to using LED Pen Test , which aids electrification is also safe for injection cars are using Multimeter , by using the option  Volt Meter , Ohm Meter or Circuit Tester .
Multimeter Analog Multimeter that can be used or Digital Multimeter .

So , from now on , if we 're in the garage mechanic noticed that our car electrical repair , and he used the Pen Test Bulb , immediately convey the harmful effects of these tools.
May be useful . (Source :Www . saft7.com)
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