Sunday 12 June 2016

Use Nitrogen Air Make Your Tire Safer and More Durable

Pakai Gas Nitrogen, Bisa Bikin Awet Ban

What are the advantages of using nitrogen air? According to General Manager Marketing & Sales Retail PT Gajah Tunggal (GT),  pressure nitrogen air is more stable because the molecule is greater than the molecules that are owned by regular winds which is a mixture of oxygen and air.
Density nitrogen particles is claimed to be lighter and bigger, so as to minimize leakage. In addition nitrogen air temperatures tend to be lower so that the tires can work more optimally and can reduce tire wear unevenly. Another positive effect will be obtained when using nitrogen to prevent corrosion of the steel wire reinforcement (steel belted) in the tire. This occurs because nitrogen does not contain water.
But using nitrogen gas should also know how to take care of him, ie if you want to add wind pressure, are required to use nitrogen back. Because if it is filled ordinary oxygen and mixed with nitrogen gas then not be optimal, and you have to mengurasnya back it up.
The drawback if you fill nitrogen gas is charging availability is still not so many workshops that provide them. Moreover, if at the time of going home to my hometown, not all gas stations charging nitrogen supply.

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