Saturday 23 May 2015

Five Parts of Suspension That You ave To Note

Suspension or derived from the word 'suspend', is a useful tool for reducing the amount of pressure and shock power of the medium through which the motor vehicle. In this case the four-wheeled vehicles. The suspension is formed between the body of the car and the wheels of the vehicle.
The suspension is a mediator between the passengers with medium road impassable by car, so as not to feel hard and still give priority to safety in driving for passengers in the cabin. Therefore, parts of the suspension must be considered in detail the condition.
Here are the 5 main parts of the suspension which should routinely be given special attention. Another goal is for comfort and safety in driving is not compromised. 

1. One 
In the first suspension in the car and be aware of is Upper Mounting Shock Absorber. This part is a fastener shockbreaker into the car frame. And so the first part of this section are affected when shockbreaker already begun to lose its elasticity.As the car passes through the medium ugly, let's say rather steep rocky and then supported by shockbreaker weak, then the upper-mounting will get the 'damage' sustainable. The weaker shockbreaker, the greater the power of shock received by the Upper-Mounting, and could be broken at any time. 
2. Two

5 Bagian Suspensi yang Harus Diperhatikan 'Kesehatannya'
In other parts there Bushing Lower Arm. Shock absorber when the condition is already beginning to be felt weakened by the driver, usually at about the same time period will make the distance range lower arm so swung farther than ever before.When the swing arm is already farther than usual, then that will be tested is elasticity. Whereby the arm 'digeber' to swing away, the more severe the performance arm. Even in more severe conditions, the rubber arm will be broken lower arm tervibrasi with terrific. 

3. Three

If the vibration generated by the rubber due to a broken arm, then the effect will then cause damage to the Cross Member Bushing. Cross Member itself is a place where the lower arm is located and 'sent home' in situ. Almost the same as the Upper-Mounting, continuous vibration will make Cross Member cracked and broken. 
4. Four

Furthermore, part of which should continue to be considered is the condition Stabilizer Connecting Rod Shock Absorber. 'Rod' serves as a liaison between shockbreaker with stabilizer shockbreaker itself. And its task is to further stabilize shockbreaker on both sides of the car.
Shockbreaker that is damaged will provide further losses on this Rod. Due to severe shocks and vibrations, the fate of these devices could be exactly the same as some of the equipment that had previously been described. Because the arm swing with a wider distance, then Rod even this too will be damaged due to swing beyond the limits of reasonableness. 

5. Five

Last, but not least, is the tire itself that must be considered if deemed shockbreaker health has begun to weak performance. Because of vibrations and waves experienced by the car, then the tire will continuously depressed and ulirnya eroded by road.
 What's worse is when traction is not balanced, the tires will be depressed on the side which is also uneven. When resumed, the fibers of tires will make the tire become bloated. The effect is further shredded tires could make.

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